Chip 2000 May
0058_PLM - Disorder Tracker 2.pas
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
153 lines
; DisorderTracker2 file FORMAT STARTS HERE
well here it comes... I am converting this from the source
code now, as I type, so I hope it is right!
this is (c) statix 1995... and I accept no responsibility for errors
in here,
if there is a problem contact me --> statix@sv.span.com...
here is a list of fields in a .PLM file, I assume you know some
name length (bytes) description
ID 4 marker, always "PLM" then character 26
headersize 1 number of bytes in header, including ID etc
version 1 version code of file format, 10h, I think
songname 48 ASCIIZ string
channels 1 number of channels
flags 1 flags byte, ignore this!
maxvol 1 maximum volume for vol slides, normally 40h
amplify 1 soundblaster amplify, 40h=no amplify
initbpm 1 starting bpm of song, normally 125
initspeed 1 starting speed of song, normally 6
initpan 32 starting pan positions, always 32, 0=left,
numsamps 1 number of samples in file
numpats 1 number of patterns in file
numorders 2 number of orders in file
padding 1 ignore...
; now seek "headersize" bytes from the beginning of the file,
(normally no
; change) now:
orderlist 4*numorders a list of orders, format coming
patternlist 4*numpats a list of file offsets of the patterns
samplelist 4*numsamps a list of file offsets of the samples
; now read in the patterns, which are uncompressed.
; for each pattern, seek to the place in the file in the patternlist,
and the
; format is below. (NOTE: if the patternlist has a position of 0, skip
to next
; pattern)
patternsize 4 (dword) number of bytes this pattern takes in
len byte # rows
wid byte # channels
col byte colour
name 25 bytes name,asciiz string
;now the notes in the pattern, stored a row at a time, with "wid"
;in each row. the note format is:
pitch byte hi nybble is octave, lo nybble is note (C=0,
C#=1, D=2 etc). 0=blank
sample byte sample number. 0=blank
vol byte volume. 0ffh=blank. NOTE! big volumes >64
are allowed!
cmd byte command number
nfo byte command info
; now read in the samples, which are uncompressed.
; for each sample, seek to the place in the file in the samplelist,
and the
; format is below. (NOTE: if the samplelist has a position of 0, skip
to next
; sample)
;in fact each sample is stored in the .PLM file as a complete .PLS
sample file.
;The .PLS format is as follows:
id 4 bytes always "PLS" then character 26
headersize 1 byte size of header in bytes, including ID etc
version 1 byte
fullname 32 byte ; NOT asciiz
filename 12 byte ; ditto
pan byte ; default pan, 0..f, >f=none
vol byte ; default vol 0..40h
flags byte ; 1 = 16 bit , 0=8 bit
c4spd word ; c4spd (as for S3M)
gusloc dword ; posn in gusram (not used in file)
loopst dword ; loopstart
loopen dword ; loopend
len dword ; data size IN BYTES
data lots of bytes ; unsigned data
; default pan changes the pan on that channel when the sample is
; to that sample, experiment in dt2 to see what I mean...
; note that default volume does NOT work like MOD or S3M default
; default volume actually multiplies the volume field for that sample,
; a default volume of 40h plays the sample as written in the file. a
; default volume of 20h always plays the sample half as loud as
written in
; the file . This is a better system, I think... (more logical?!?)
; finally I will explain the format of the orderlist. Each one is 4
; and is:
x word ; starting position of pattern
y byte ; channel number of first channel of pattern
pattern byte ; number of pattern
; I think that will make sense, If you see how dt2 works... note that
; is very important to remember that patterns can overlap. In this
; the pattern with the higher x takes priority. If they have the same
; then it is the one with the higher pattern number. You can see this
; dt2 by dragging patterns around on the over view screen.
; of course, this system with x and y for each pattern is what makes
; unique, and also so hard to play with a standard player!!!
hope that helps, and I have not made any errors... any questions, just
ps If you want to spread that format, go ahead but please only spread
*ALL* of it, starting from the line that says "format starts here..."
With formats like PLM, with the identifier at the start of the file,
it's very easy to rip them, just extract everthing after the marker..